Main Services
We are leading providers of real estate closings, commercial
closings and real estate transactions in Texas.

Residential Closings
We provide smooth, stress-free residential closings. We have designated teams for each phase of the closing process, and the team members assigned to your particular file stay with you from start to finish.
Commercial Closings
Our commercial closing staff has a combined closing experience of 50 years and are qualified to handle any commercial transaction from hotels, multi-unit properties, hospitals to vacant land. We routinely close complex, multi-million, and billion-dollar properties.
Real Estate Transactions
We have licensed attorneys on staff to draft any and all types of real estate documents, including deeds, promissory notes, deeds of trust, boundary agreements, LLC and corporate formation documents.
​For any legal matters, please contact Joelle Karam or
Charles Mansour via email (legal@fidelity77.com).

Work With Our Title Partners
We strategically partner with other service providers to offer a full array of transactional support.
1031 Exchange Services
We have provided qualified Intermediary 1031 Exchange Services for over 10 years.
IRS Section 1031 provides that in order to qualify for tax deferred treatment, the relinquished property must be exchanged for replacement property that is "like kind".
"Like kind" means similar in nature and character notwithstanding differences in grade or quality. The fact that any real estate involved is improved or unimproved is not material as that fact relates only to the grade or quality of the property and not its kind or class. As such, raw land held for investment may be exchanged for single family rentals used for a trade or business or any combination of the following:
Single Family Rentals
Golf Courses and Some Recreational Properties
Multi Family Rentals
Raw Land
Leasehold Interest of 30 years or more
For more information, please contact Securitas 1031, LLC: Cary Garrett at Cary@securitas1031.com.
Attorney Review of
Lender Documents
The document services we provide to mortgage lenders are as follows:
Full Document Preparation
Trust Reviews
Initial Disclosure Packages
Compliance & Legal Support
Provide Title Curative Support
For more information, please contact Mansour Document Solutions, LLC: Richard Jaubert at Mansourdocs@mansourtitle.com.
Complete Escrow Services
Escrow is something of value that an impartial third party holds onto during a transaction.
An Escrow can be a deposit of funds, a deed or other instrument by one party for the delivery to another party upon completion of a specific condition or event. It is an independent neutral account by which the interests of all parties to the transaction are protected.
An Escrow is a financial arrangement where a third party holds and regulates payment of the funds required for two parties involved in a given transaction. It helps make transactions more secure by keeping the payment in a secure escrow account which is only released when all of the terms of an agreement are met as overseen by the escrow company.
For more information, please contact Escrow Fidelity, LLC: Richard Jaubert at EscrowSecuritas@mansourtitle.com.
Nationwide Title Reports
On a nationwide basis, we provide:
Title Reports*
Tax Certificates
Analysis & Opinions of Deeds, Mortgages, Easements and Restrictive Covenants
*A title report is a written history of everything discovered in relation to a property. It includes the record title owner, the legal description, the mortgages or deeds of trust, liens, encumbrances, encroachments and other claims.
For more information, please contact Comprehensive Title Solutions: Aubrey Mansour at CTS@mansourtitle.com.